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Biz with a Purpose Logo 4

Business with a Purpose (BWAP) is a volunteer network of professionals within the Chamber committed to working with local Chamber nonprofits to further their missions.

The BWAP committee is open to young professionals 45 years and under who demonstrate a drive to connect community and commerce. The committee plays a key role in organizing an annual signature event to support the mission of nonprofit members. In addition, the committee assists in planning an educational leadership series.

Business with a Purpose is exclusively for Chamber member nonprofits and Chamber member professionals.

Program Sponsor:


Community Bulletin Board | Catalyst Center for Nonprofit Management (includes nonprofit employment opportunities and board positions)


Business with a Purpose Committee:

Co-chairs: Andrew Champagne, Morgan Stanley
Maggie Pugliese, Care & Share Thrift Shoppes

Jennifer Anusky, The SLG Team at Real Pennsylvania

Chester Asher, Asher's Chocolates Co

Dan Cook, American Heritage Federal Credit Union

Leah George, Caesar Revise P.C.

Nate LaBrusciano, Shooting Brakes Productions

Corey Landes, Moyer





Seth Lejune, The SLG Team at Real Pennsylvania

Maria Llicai, BeMarketing

Mariah Macham, TruMark Financial Credit Union

Jay Murphy, Sablich Insurance Group


For questions contact or any member of the committee

Frank Minster, Bonefish Grill

Megan Munley, Guild Mortgage

Jane Vitelli, NAMI Montgomery County

David Williams, Harleysville Bank

Jessica Zsoldos, The Quaker School at Horsham